

As rapid urbanization and development continue unabated in the UAE and look set to gather momentum in the years to come, their impact on human health and well-being is not going unnoticed either. Chronic health conditions are rising at an alarming rate, with cardiovascular disease alone accounting for 30 percent of deaths annually.1 Equally forebodingly, 70 percent of the population has been diagnosed with or is currently at risk of heart disease.

Art Cozad, CEO of Cigna Insurance Middle East, spoke at the Human Capital forum about the massive health crisis waiting to happen – one that is likely to escalate if such issues go undiagnosed, and eventually turn unmanageable.

This is where workplace wellness becomes imperative, as it plays an important part in preventive healthcare. But do workplace wellness programs really make a difference?

The simple answer is yes. There is overwhelming evidence out there to prove that a workforce with access to well-being resources is not only healthier but also more productive than those without. In fact, companies that offer workplace wellness programs:

  • Experience up to 25 percent reduction in sick leave2
  • Are 2.5 times more likely to be top performers, with employees eight times more likely to be engaged3
  • Achieve four times higher talent retention over a 12-month period than their counterparts without workplace wellness programs4

According to the 2017 Cigna 360º Well-being Survey, Millennials and Generation Y value well-being programs more than Boomers. Notably, today’s programs are increasingly incorporating digital technologies to meet the expectations of the emerging workforce. In fact, 79 percent of survey respondents believe digital technology has the potential to bring good health to more people. In addition, 59 percent currently use health apps or plan to use them in the coming year, and 13 percent have experienced a remote checkup with an actual doctor.

It is important to have a workplace wellness program in place that suits the needs of your employees, and makes them happier and healthier. Consider the cost of stress and lack of well-being to your business. Chances are these often-overlooked aspects are significantly diminishing the potential and capabilities of your employees.



  1. New survey reveals widespread concern about heart disease in the UAE https://gulfnews.com/news/uae/health/new-survey-reveals-widespread-concern-about-heart-disease-in-the-uae-1.2092075 Accessed 26 April 2018
  2. Workplace Central, Supports Workplace Wellness https://www.workplacecentral.com.au/resources/workplace-wellness Accessed 22 April 2018
  3. Fast Company, Do Corporate Wellness Programs Really Boost Productivity? https://www.fastcompany.com/3033411/do-corporate-wellness-programs-really-boost-productivity Accessed 22 April 2018
  4. Deloitte, At a tipping point? Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing

https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/uk/Documents/public-sector/deloitte-uk-workplace-mental-health-n-wellbeing.pdf Accessed 22 April 2018