Raed Labaki

General Manager
Cigna Healthcare Middle East (Excluding UAE and Saudi Arabia)

Raed Labaki is General Manager of Cigna Healthcare Middle East (Excluding the UAE and Saudi Arabia). In this capacity, he is responsible for designing strategy and setting key goals for growing the company’s business operations in Lebanon, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain. In addition, he is tasked with controlling budgets and optimizing expenditure in the territories under his purview, and with facilitating employee motivation and well-being to maximize productivity.

Raed brings to his role over 25 years of experience in market management, bancassurance operations, sales, and corporate communications. Prior to joining Cigna, Raed was associated with Allianz SNA for 20 years in Lebanon, holding several leadership roles including Executive Board Member - MENA Chief Sales and Market Management Officer, Executive Board Member - Chief Market Management Officer, Head of Bancassurance and Market Management - Member of the Management Committee, and Bancassurance Manager - Member of the Operations Committee and as Bancassurance Officer.

Earlier in his career, he served as Assistant to the Deputy General Manager at Bank Audi and as Assistant to the Administrative Manager at Credit Commercial du Moyen-Orient in Lebanon.

Raed Labaki holds a Master of Economics and Business from Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and a French Baccalaureate in Economy from Lycee Beau, both in Nice, France.
